Call of duty world war 2 pc information
Call of duty world war 2 pc information

call of duty world war 2 pc information call of duty world war 2 pc information

They also list a few other features that won't be live until launch: Sledgehammer says there will be no aim assist in the beta, which is fine since this is a mouse and keyboard affair. None of this will carry over to the main release, however you'll be able to unlock lots of weapons and other goodies on your way to the level cap. Players will start at Level 1 and progress to Level 35. Sledgehammer Games is making changes to some of these maps based on beta feedback from the console beta, so it should be interesting to see what's new and different.įive Divisions (basically loadouts) will be available during the beta: Infantry, Expeditionary, Airborne, Armored, and Mountain Division. What maps will be available during the beta? It's my favorite part about the game so far. There will also be the new War Mode, the most unique new addition to Call of Duty multiplayer in years. What modes will be available during the beta? What PC-specific features will be available during the beta? Call of Duty: WW2 Credit: Sledgehammer Games

Call of duty world war 2 pc information